"I cringe with embarrassment when I reread the article my Newsweek colleague David Stone and I wrote after the 2008 election. We raved about how Obama's internet army would, as one of his tech strategists put it, "want to participate more, not less, and take part in the governing process.". We foresaw online brainstorming sessions where Netizens would generate ideas and vote them up or down in a free-flowing open-source manner. We even suggested that the very nature if democracy was changing."
"What were we smoking? In two years, the pro-Obama Netroots movement has collapsed faster than the dot com bubble."
- Daniels Lyons, Newsweek November 22, 2010
Now that the Social Media Revolution has been with us for a while, and meshed with our daily lives, one must ask a few questions. Are the marginal incremental units of changes diminishing? Does it prove our need to believe in something is insatiable? That our ability to lose interest in something inescapable?
Like most things, the answer seems to be "it depends."