Well, kind of introducing SHOUTtr. Intenet, we need your help.
Here is what Shouttr is all about, as explained to a few people I directly asked to maybe help make it happen:
I am a pretty positive person, but sometimes I can get frustrated, discouraged or disapointed. It is the nature of what we do, and if you care about what you do it probably happens to you too.
I loved the anonymity of early days of social networks. Amongst many things you could say anything, cause nobody was there but a few like minded folks, but now stuff easily gets taken out of context because one's audience is too diverse.
Plus nobody swears like they do in real life, except the odd person just for effect. It can be cathartic, I am sure science proves this somewhere, or should. But the back channels are no longer appropriate. My mother might find out, amongst other people.
I want to create Shouttr.com, a place you can vent. Say whatever you want. Anonymously.
Just an input field to enter important things like F**K F**K F******G D**N S**T F**K. UX primatively consisting of a SHOUT button to submit and a stream of past SHOUTS. Maybe just noting time and date. Geo tag would be nice but not necessary for launch. No profiles, no following.
One could even use it for something positive, maybe you are someone too humble to boast, but really want to shout about something great you did, to someone, anyone and but noone in particular who might catch you. (FYI, swearing is not mandatory.)
Of course, no hate speak. Just good clean venting, out into the voide. Using the power of anonymity to make oneself feel better. SHOUTTING feels like Rocky @ 3"57 .
Drop me a note or comment below if you can help. Feel free to nominate other people. The domain with a trying too hard cleaver typo is registered. Just need to make it.