Date of creation of important "new" digital things changing today's game:
2007 - iPhone
2006 - Twitter
2004 - Facebook
2001 - X-Box
1995 -
1993 - Mosaic browser and mainstream launch of World Wide Web and brand websites
1982 - Bloomberg Terminal
1970's - TCP/IP (protocol that connects computers allowing them to "talk" to each other)
1962 - ARPANET, precursor to "internet" first existed conceptually in an academic paper
It is often amazing to step back and look at how old many of the "new" things in marketing and communications are now. Yet, there is an attitude we still are figuring them out. That they are "new media" and just give it a fling and see what happens. Failures are okay.
It is a bit of a lazy attitude.
By reverse logic it is like saying we are still figuring out TV given the fact failures still make it to air.
Failures under the guise of newness are not okay. Risk taking on account of what is possible, certainly is okay.
We are at a new point of maturity where we are familiar, generally, with all the new tools and channels. However, we are just as susseptible to the amazing. Maybe increasingly more so as "average", "hackney" and "mediocre" invade more and more parts of our lives. Attack us from more and more angles.
Interestingly, 1962 the year the first inclings of the internet was being formed was also the year Think Small, first hit magazines. The ad that many link to the initiation of the Creative Revolution. A war still being faught every day on every front in every medium.
Just interesting to think that the first steps of the creative revolution took place the first days of a global telecommunications network. They really are brothers in arms.