Expo 86, along with a few other cornerstone events made Vancouver, and began our insecure obsession with being "world class." I was 10 the summer of '86 and went to the Expo nearly every day and can probably disturbingly piece together the nightly fireworks/laser show with immense detail.
Noticed the above on some hoarding over the weekend in between posters for movies and Axe's latest product. Wonder if Expo 86 artifacts will increasingly appear in the year coming up to the Olympics. Will this new event that marks out city compel us to unearth past events and moments that define us.
I must say though that the lack of progress in the field of robots is deeply disturbing, in 23 years, have we really only gone from Expo Ernie to Asimo? (Note: if Expo Ernie was actually a small human inside a mascot shell and in fact not robotic as I beleived as a maluable child, please disregard this slanderous quip towards the bipedal awesomeness of Asimo.)