Ready or not I proclaimed and Air Canada proved to be not more than ready with their new mobile check in. Everything about was fantastic until you arrive at the airport, security looks at you like a con man and you end up going back to the desk to get the same old ticket printed that you always do.
According to the host in the lounge who was the only to talk a bit about it, it seems that all the wiz bang technology has been scuttled by bad execution on the ground level. security workers aren't equipped with scanners to read and verify the codes and ticket agent unions need to incorporate into their contracts. Total lack of execution.
This linked to a recent conversation with a senior executive about their now former media agency who talked loudly and proudly about new media, emerging technology and all the other hype published in every business periodical out there, but when it came time to recommend their actual plan their "innovative" idea was shifting more of the TV buy to :15's from :30's. That's it. And now they are no longer doing business with the company as they, much like Air Canada, had lots of talk up front but no follow through on the back end.
It is ever more clear that talking about new media and how everything is changing is a commodity discussion. Business and management 101 is kicking in and we need to be talking about relevant implications and corresponding executable actions/solutions.
That episode aside the trip to PDX was brilliant. More to come...