Nintendo is taking their game platform out of the living room and into the stadium. According to this article this season baseball fans at Safeco Field in Seattle will be able to access content through their DS' during games.
As my significant other works part time for the Mariners and we catch numerous games each year I'll be even more excited this year to drag the old DS to the ball game. While I understand the need for "event" or experiential marketing, and even started my agency life doing it on behalf of GM, I've often felt that branded tents, logoed trinkets and exuberantly smiled brand evangelists to be a bit of a nuisance to people trying to enjoy something else. But, like any form of advertising when it's done well, it's fantastic for both the advertiser and the person "experiencing" it. But that is the exception not the norm.
That said, this Nintendo initiative is a fantastic form of advertising/marketing or whatever you want to call it. This is experiential marketing at it's best. It enhances the experience of what the person is there for. You can imagine the talk value amongst the little pod of people sitting around someone noodling about on their DS. Brilliant. It creates real value not perceived value. I just hope they don't ruin it by selling pre-roll ads before viewing the promised highlight clips.