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February 11, 2008


I am having trouble with th website hollynorth.org. My Safari will not let me into the site. It quits unexpectedly. Also, hitting the link on your page came up with "page not found" What is going on with hollynorth? Are they for real? Do you know who is running it? This info is meant to be on the site, which I cannot enter.

Hey Carol. I updated the link, I made an error on the code as it's a .org address. So the links work now.

As for the Safari issue, I'm using Firefox and have not found any issues.

One of the founders of titledoctores.com, a L.A. based film branding firm apparently are behind the site. But that's the extent of what I know. I'm no screenplay expert but protect yourself by registering your work with either writers guild in US or Canada, or better yet, both.

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