I have always been an advocate of the Nike brand and the creative work they do. And of all the things they have done, their runner's ecosystem is the most impressive. A post by Bruce Nassbaum of Business Week kind of points out how often people miss out on the breadth and richness of the Nike running experience.
I think he made a great point about Nike+ being what social networking is all about, and something a lot of agencies can learn from instead of some crappy "we gotta be in social networking" campaign linked to tile cleaner. But,I think a lot of people mistake of Nike+ as just a social networking experiment, or an innovative pedometer. The bigger thing here is a brand, Nike, rather talking about running and trying to increase perceptions of value to runners, instead creates actual value for runners by developing a new training aid and community for runners to rally around. It is so much more than just a networking site. It is Run London, the Nike Runner's lounge in Vancouver and other cities, training podcast with Paula Radcliffe on iTunes and countless other things. They all are part of a runners ecosystem where Nike doesn't just inspire you but gives you the tools and community to become a better or more devoted runner. Take away the social networking or add something else next year and the ecosystem is just as rich and broad.