While my jury is still out on the Diesel Heidies take over thing, the real-worldedness and interactivity was kind of cool. Knowing it was commercial advertising made it all feel a bit contrived and in a way out of character of the Diesel brand.
Justin.tv on the other hand is the real thing. The Truman show in a Web 2.0 world. Justin, who lives in San Francisco has a video camera mounted on his head 24hrs a day broadcasting live while he and his roommates blog/twitter 24/7.
He's looking for his 15 minutes of fame, which is you buy his pledge - it will continue for a lifetime.
It would be really cool if a passion brand, a brand that people really love and follow, opened up the doors to an aspect of their company. If Nike's Idea Kitchen or whatever it's called was live on air 24/7. However, the reality is that many things that might seem cool are worse in non-stop, unedited streaming, unless they are trying to make on going content. The Idea Kitchen is probably a pretty boring place with folks sitting in front of blank sheets of paper, surrounded by fabric swatches, trying to come up with new shoe designs. Okay so forget that.
Maybe find areas of existing drama and digitize those. For example, which stock markets have gone electronic, and fewer and fewer have actual trading floors, what if the NYSE had streaming cameras on each trading pit so that those not their could be part of the action through digital conversation. There would be some wild Twitter action on earnings releases!