recent times travel has become a mainstream pursuit, and in response tourism
has robustly industrialized, sterilizing the travel experience. Consequently, beyond seeing the
important but obvious sights, already familiar thanks to a lifetime of popular
culture, there is a deep desire to break through the bubble of passive
spectator tourism and become active participants in the world’s great cities.
Especially, in Paris, the most visited city on earth.
Everyday Paris is a cultural briefing for the curious contemporary traveler seeking to authentically experience uniquely local ways life. An insightful and entertaining companion that explores the mentalities, routines, traditions and codes of being Parisian to empower you to do Paris as Parisians do.
This briefing on Paris launches a global publishing platform on Amazon Kindle using the principles of a technology start-up amidst publishing's ever evolving landscape. With Everyday Paris an open call will go out for ten writers to produce an Everyday Cultural Briefing for the next ten cities.